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Pirate Poker

The game is a variant of classical poker with three paid deals, accumulative mini bonus and double up. Every deck has 53 cards from "deuce" to "ace", four suits with one JOKER card.

The Main Game:
The player could choose the bet from 1 to 500 for one deal.

First deal Second deal Third deal
The player could choose the cards, which will not be changed during the following deals. The game helps the player to choose the best variant of choosing the cards with the help of the "HOLD" tables. The player could take the winning on any deal and enlarge it in the double up.
Mini Bonus:
This is an accumulative winning. If the combination "HIGH PAIR" (i.e. 2 cards with a value not lower than Jack and higher) is dropped out and disappearance of any other winning combinations one diamond is highlighted on the "Mini Bonus" scale. When all the diamonds will be highlighted the player will get the winning of 7 bets.
Double Up:
If the player divines suit color of the face down card, his winning is doubled up, during this picture fragment of a beautiful young lady is opened. If the player has not divined the card's color suit, the winning is canceled. The player could stop the game at any moment and take his winning out. The play on doubling is ended if the young lady's picture there is no closed fragments.

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