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Frenzy Monkey

The game is a video slot featuring five-reel and nine-paylines, with ability to receive additional winnings in the bonus game and also enlarge the winning in the doubling-up mode.

The Main Game:
The player can choose the number of playlines from 1 to 9 and also a bet for the every line from 1 to 200 points. Winning combinations and their value could be seen in the table of payments. Three and more "Monkey" symbols dropped out on any position give an ability to play bonus game.
The player could choose the ropes in any consecution, which will be pulled by the monkey. If there a bunch of bananas is dropping out the monkey gulps it down and the player get winning points. If instead of bananas there is a heavy thing dropped out the bonus game stops. Won in successful attempts points are summarized and added to the winnings. If the player's bet is quiet high, the monkey is in the helmet in the beginning of the game. This helmet protects the monkey from the first heavy thing. If the monkey was able to pull down all the 5 ropes, all the won points are summarized and added to the winnings and than a super bonus game starts.
Super bonus:
The player has to choose between two tablets. If the player chooses the tablet with the prize he gets the winning. The value of winning is in points.
Double up:
If the player's card is higher than dealer's card the winning is doubled if lower it cancels. If the player's card is equal to dealer's card the winning is not changed and the new deal starts. The JOKER card always wins, that is why JOKER can never be dealer's card. But it could be among the 4 face-down cards. ACE is the superior card. The player could take out the winning, when the dealer card is open if it seems too big to him.
Payout Table:
The "Masque" symbol is a joker and it replaces any symbol on its positions except the "Frenzy Monkey" and "Monkey" symbols. Winning combinations are three and more equal symbols in the line. Maximum bet on the line is 10000 bets on the line (or inside accumulative jackpot).

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